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Serving Ads on Facebook Messenger

SharpSpring Ads has the ability to serve your Facebook ads through the Facebook Messenger Network within your Facebook campaigns.

Facebook Messenger ads will help extend your reach beyond standard Facebook ads. Using Messenger, your ads will reach your audiences through their Facebook Messages, giving your campaigns is a great way to keep your ads in front of your site visitors even when they're not browsing Facebook directly. For more information on Messenger ads, visit Facebook.

To use Messenger ads in your campaigns, launch a Facebook campaign or edit an existing campaign. From your Dashboard, click Launch New Campaign, then Facebook Campaign.

Click the Placement tab and select 'Edit Placements' to use custom Ad Placements.

Click "Messenger Home" to enable your ads in Facebook Messenger. This is set to on by default.

Finish creating your campaign as you normally would, and that's it! Your ads will serve through Messenger automatically.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.