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Home > Ads > Ad & URL Click Tracking > Third Party Ad Tags

Third Party Ad Tags

For a URL-HTML, URL-JS, raw-HTML, or raw-JS creative, you will need to include an macro in the appropriate place in your URL/tag. Most likely this will be ${CLICK_URL}, although an encoded version is available for certain adservers.
Macro Description
${CLICK_URL} The click tracking url.
${CLICK_URL_ENC}      The encoded click tracking url (only necessary for some 3rd party adservers)
Macro Example:

Here "click0" is the DoubleClick variable for accepting external click URLs. When the full URL string above is passed to the user's browser, the Imp Bus will replace ${CLICK_URL} with the actual click URL, which is easily identified by the large number of capital A's present in the string. The click URL will look something like this:

Therefore, the expanded DoubleClick content will look as follows:


The creative will direct the browser first to the Impression Bus where the click will be recorded, then to the landing page (the landing page is specified after our 'clickenc=' variable). Note that in the above example, DoubleClick will use our click URL and cachebuster when delivering the final creative content to the user's page.

Note: Third party ad tags are an Enterprise-only feature. If you are interested in joining our Enterprise program, please contact ads@sharpspringads.com.