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Home > Reports > Using the Report Builder

Using the Report Builder

Report Builder lets you create, manage and schedule detailed reports about the performance of your SharpSpring Ads campaigns.

Dashboard is great for an overview, but sometimes you need to go deeper. Sometimes you need specific reports that can be sent to members of your team on a regular basis.

To get to the Report Builder, click "Reports" near the top of your Dashboard:

That will bring you to the Report Builder page:

The Basic side of the screen sets all the broad controls for the report. Create a custom name for the report, add email addresses of people you want to receive it, and specify time range.

Range: The time period you want the report to include.

Interval: The time interval over which to return reporting data. 

Dimension:  Set how to break out the data in the report: by advertiser? By campaign?

Set as a scheduled report: Set a time and/or day that you want a report to automatically be generated and sent to anyone in the Send Report To field. Reports can be scheduled daily, weekly, or monthly.

The Report Structure side of the screen sets the layout of the report itself.

Columns: Add or remove columns in the report.  

Filters: By default we include all data in your account in each report. Filters let you specify which advertisers, campaign, campaign types and more that you want in the data.