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*This article is not applicable if you are a SharpSpring Marketing Automation user*

This guide will help you connect your Tune account for postback URL tracking.

1. Login to Attribution Analytics.

2. In the navigation (on the left side), under the Partners section, click Postback URLs.

3. On the Postback URL page (on the right side), near the upper-right corner, click Add Postback URL.

4. On the Create a Postback URL page, in the Postback Name box, type a descriptive name for the postback (such as "Partner 123 Postback"), and from the Partner Type drop-down list, select the type of partner who will receive the postback notification (Advertising Partner or Technology Partner).

5. In the Advertising Partner Postback Template section, in the Search Partners box, type the name of the specific partner, and to the right of the search box, in the Enter Postback URL box, enter this URL:

https://pixel-geo.prfct.co/gdd?partner=tune&token=ADVERTISER_ID HERE&type={event_type}&event={event_name}&device_id={firstnotempty({ios_ifa}|{google_aid})}&gaid={google_aid}&idfa={ios_ifa}&platform={sdk}&created_at={timestamp_milliseconds}&country={country_code}&ip={device_ip}&tracking_enabled={firstnotempty({ios_ad_tracking_disabled}|{google_ad_tracking_disabled})}&android_tracking_enabled={google_ad_tracking_disabled}&app_version={app_version}&device_brand={device_brand}&device_carrier={device_carrier}&device_ip={device_ip}&device_model={device_model}&device_type={device_type}&language={language}&mobile_app_type={mobile_app_type}&os_version={os_version}&package_app_name={package_app_name}&package_app_version={package_app_version}&package_name={package_name}&sdk={sdk}&user_agent={user_agent}&os_jailbroke={os_jailbroke}

Important: You must replace ADVERTISER_ID_HERE in this URL with your SharpSpring Ads Advertiser ID. This can be found in the upper right corner of the Manage-> User Tracking page. 

6. To define the characteristics of the postback URL, scroll down to the Postback Requirements section, and from the Mobile App drop-down list, select the appropriate app (for which postback notifications will be sent when specific events occur).

7. From the Event drop-down list, you may need to select the specific Event that triggers the postback URL notification/request. When Attribution Analytics measures the event, it notifies the third-party system via the postback URL. If you want to send us all your data, you will have to uncheck the box "Only send data attributed to Partner 123".

8. Scroll to the bottom of the page, and then click Save. (it may take up to 10 minutes for the postback URL to become active) 

That's it! Each time Attribution Analytics attributes an event of that type for any of the advertiser's apps, the associated server postback will be called.

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