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Agency FAQ

What benefits does SharpSpring Ads have for my agency?
The ability to manage all your clients’ web, mobile, and Facebook retargeting campaigns from one dashboard, specialized training and support, and an easy-to-use reporting tool, for starters. Contact our team to learn more.

I have a wide range of budgets and other requirements for my clients. How will SharpSpring Ads help me?
We can offer customized advice and support for different types of clients, especially those who have different budget or audience requirements.  Your customer success manager can coach you through the different requirements for each client.

Do you have any special agency programs?
We do! If you're on pace to spend over $100k this year, write us at ads@sharpspring.com to learn more. We can offer invoiced billing, new forms of targeting, special training and support, and much more.

Why should I use SharpSpring Ads instead of going direct to Google Display Network (GDN) or to Facebook?
Here are some of the advantages agencies have shared with us:

  • You can consolidate all your campaigns - All your campaign reporting under one roof. You don't need to jump from platform to platform to see how your channels are doing. 
  • Straightforward and easy setup and management - One tag for all your needs on Facebook and Web Campaigns. Audiences that you want to target and Conversions all work across all your channels in SharpSpring Ads. 
  • Available Support - Trying to figure out why your Facebook campaigns are not serving? Want to learn some best practices? Support is just an email away to help you get going.
  • SharpSpring Ads has access to ad networks in addition to the Google Display Network (GDN) - we partner with a number of different exchanges

How do I share limited access to the platform with my clients?
It’s easy - just follow the instructions here or go to Manage > Clients.  

Will all my clients use the same tracking pixel?
Nope. Each one will have a distinct tracking pixel that keeps things separate and organized.

What are the best practices for reporting?
You can reach the reporting section via Reports near the top left, on the black menu bar. Select the KPIs that are the most important to you and your client, and modify your report to include them. Set up a recurring report to be emailed to you daily, weekly, or monthly.

How does billing work?
For credit card advertisers, we bill every Monday for what you spent in the previous 7 days. Campaigns are pre-paid, so when you first create a campaign, you will be billed once for the weekly budget. Each Monday after that, you are just billed for exactly what you spend. In essence, you are "refilling" the budget each week.

Contact our team to learn more, or download the PDF linked below to share with your team.