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Home > Conversion Goals > Conversion Goal Overview > Understanding Assisted Conversions

Understanding Assisted Conversions

Assisted Conversions are events when a user clicks or views an ad from one of your campaigns, but then later clicks or views an ad from another campaign and converts. In this situation, normally the second campaign would be credited with a conversion and the first campaign would get nothing, but the reality is that the first campaign played some role in the user's path to conversion and that should be recognized in some way.

Example One

  • You are running Campaign A and Campaign B. 
  • A user sees (but does not click) on ad A. 
  • The user later sees (but does not click) ad B. 
  • The user then converts on your site. 

Campaign B will be attributed with one View Through Conversion, and Campaign A will be attributed with an Assisted conversion.

Example Two

  • You are running Campaign A and Campaign B. 
  • A user sees and clicks on ad A, but does not convert on your site. 
  • The user later sees (but does not click) ad B. 
  • The user then converts on your site. 

Campaign B will be attributed with one View Through Conversion, and Campaign A will be attributed with an Assisted conversion.

Viewing Assisted Conversions

Your assisted conversions can be found in your Dashboard stats next to your normal conversions. Assisted conversions are listed as "ACONV."

You can modify your conversion attribution settings at any time. This article will explain how to modify those settings.

If you have any questions about assisted conversions, please let us know!