× Exclamation Point Icon Important: As we continue to evolve and improve our offerings, we have decided to retire the SharpSpring Ads (formerly Perfect Audience) platform on August 15, 2024. Click here to learn more.
Home > Account Management > How to add a Team member to your account

How to add a Team member to your account

More than one user can help manage your SharpSpring Ads account. You can add additional users as "Team" members.

To add a Team member, hover over where it says 'Hi, [Your Name]!' and click on Your Team.

Invite your new team member by entering their email address and clicking 'Send Invitation.' This will email them an invitation to SharpSpring Ads.

Once they confirm the invitation, they'll be a part of your SharpSpring Ads account. Note that there can only be one account administrator. You can check or uncheck the box to determine if this team member should receive invoices. Add more team members in the same manner. You're all set!

Note: Team members will have the same access to the account that you have. This include campaign management, billing/credit card information, and access to all advertisers in the account.

SharpSpring Users: Users will be managed in SharpSpring.