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Home > Account Management > How to manage multiple advertisers within your account

How to manage multiple advertisers within your account

*SharpSpring Marketing Automation Users: Advertisers will be managed through your SharpSpring account*

Managing multiple advertisers is easy in SharpSpring Ads. To add a new advertiser, hover over your site name in the top right.

Click Manage Advertisers.

Click New Advertiser.

Add the new advertiser's name and information, and Save.

You're all set! Remember that each different advertiser uses their own unique Site Tracking Tag. Return to this dashboard at any time by hovering over your name and finding the green 'Manage Advertisers' button. From there, you can view different time frames, click into any of your advertisers, or deactivate an advertiser if needed.

Please note that each new advertiser you add will go through the same Site Audit process to ensure their website adheres to the guidelines.