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Home > Billing > Billing Overview

Billing Overview

*SharpSpring Marketing Automation Users: This article is not applicable if you are a SharpSpring Marketing Automation user. Billing will be handled through your SharpSpring account*

We bill every Monday for what you spent in the previous 7 days. Campaigns are pre-paid, so when you first create a campaign, you will be billed once for the weekly budget. Each Monday after that, you are just billed for exactly what you spend. In essence, you are "refilling" the budget each week.

Access to the SharpSpring Ads Platform is completely free as long as you spend at least $100 per month on your ads. If you do not spend at least $100, we will bill you the difference between what you spent in the previous month and the $100 minimum. This is to help us maintain your audience data, offset storage costs, and maintain your continued access to our reporting.

Example: If you create a campaign with a $100 weekly budget, you'll be charged $100. If you spend $65 of the budget that week, you'll be billed just $65 on Monday when the campaign budget refills. If you spent just $20 of the budget, you'll be billed just $20 when the budget refills on Monday.

All campaign refill charges are aggregated into one single charge. You will see "SharpSpring Ads" on your credit card statement as the billing name.