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Home > Conversion Goals > Creating and Managing Conversion Goals

Creating and Managing Conversion Goals

How to Create a Conversion Goal
To create a conversion goal, from your "Manage" menu, click Create Conversion. ... more
Path Conversions
Use the Path method to trigger conversions based on what pages or sections they ... more
Querystring Conversions
Use the URL Querystring method to trigger conversion goals based on the querystr... more
Event Conversions
Use the "event" conversion method to trigger a conversion goal when visitors per... more
Regular Expression Conversions
Use the "regular expression" conversion method to trigger a conversion when the ... more
Editing a Conversion Goal
To make changes to a conversion goal: - Click "Manage" and select "Conversi... more
Creating Conversions for Mobile Apps
This guide assumes you already have your mobile app tracking events via Adjust (... more