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Home > Site Tracking Tag > Advanced Tracking Options > Passing an OrderID With a Conversion Goal

Passing an OrderID With a Conversion Goal

SharpSpring Ads allows you to track information with your conversion goals to help you properly attribute conversions to your marketing efforts. This article will teach you how to pass an OrderID along with your conversions.

Locate the site tracking tag you installed on your site. Find the line in the tag that looks like this:

// _pa.orderId = "";

Remove the // at the beginning of this line. Between the quotation marks near the end of the line, add in code that will print out the data you want stored with your conversion in our system. Here's an example of what your code might look like before you edit that line:

And this is what it might look like after:

The OrderID parameter only accepts strings up to 32 characters long. It will truncate anything longer than that.

We are unable to provide the specific code your site might use for the order ID, but we do have some setup guides for popular 3rd party ecommerce platforms to assist with this information.