× Exclamation Point Icon Important: As we continue to evolve and improve our offerings, we have decided to retire the SharpSpring Ads (formerly Perfect Audience) platform on August 15, 2024. Click here to learn more.
Home > Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide

Step 1: Installing the Site Tracking Tag
*SharpSpring Marketing Automation Users: The SharpSpring Ads site tracking tag i... more
Step 2: Create a Retargeting Audience
Once your tag is installed, (it will take our system 6-8 hours to recognize the ... more
Step 3: Create a Conversion Goal
Next, we'll create a conversion goal for your campaign. A conversion goal is an ... more
Step 4: Create Ads
We'll now need to create an ad to use in your first campaign. SharpSpring Ads su... more
Step 5: Creating Your First Campaign
Now we'll put it all together and create your very first campaign! Here we will ... more