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Testing Custom Conversion Goals

This article will guide you through the steps to test that your conversion goals are working properly on your site using your web browser's built in Javascript console. Don't worry if you're not familiar with Javascript! No coding knowledge is required. Just follow the steps in this article to verify the tag is working.

Accessing the Javascript Console
This article assumes you will be using Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on a PC or Mac. Press the corresponding keys to bring up the console.

Chrome: Ctrl + Shift + J
Firefox: Ctrl + Shift + K

Chrome: Command + Option + J
Firefox: Command + Option + K

The console will look something like this:

For this example, I've created a Conversion Goal in my account called "Purchased Something."

Note: It can take up to 10 minutes for our tag to update after the conversion has been created, so you should wait at least 10 minutes to test the conversion after creating it.

Open your Javascript Console, then type in this command and hit enter:


You'll see some output that looks like this:

Each "Object" listed is a Conversion Goal that is tracking on this page. Click on the arrow to expand and see more information:

Each Object will list the name of a Conversion Goal that is tracking this page. Here you can see my "Purchased Something" conversion is firing.

Note: This method will let you know if the conversion is tracking, but the conversion data in your account does not update in real time. It can take 24 hours or more for conversion data to appear in your account.

If you are passing through an OrderID or revenue value with your conversion goal, you can test that these values are populating properly as well. The following commands can be used:


The orderId passed along with the conversion will populate. In this example, our orderId is "id".


The revenue passed along with the conversion will populate. In this example, our revenue is 19.99.

Note: If "null" or "not defined" appears when testing for orderId or revenue, there may be an issue with the code you've used for that data. Also, you will need to put through an actual sale/conversion to populate this data; visiting the conversion page alone may not be sufficient to make this data appear.