× Exclamation Point Icon Important: As we continue to evolve and improve our offerings, we have decided to retire the SharpSpring Ads (formerly Perfect Audience) platform on August 15, 2024. Click here to learn more.


If you use Squarespace to host your online store, you'll need to correctly install the SharpSpring Ads site tracking tag before you can use SharpSpring Ads.

From your Dashboard, click Manage-> User Tracking. 

This will pull up a page with a javascript tag that looks like this:

Login to your Squarespace store. Click Settings, then Advanced.


Then click Code Injection. 

Locate the Footer box. Paste the site tracking tag in the Footer box. 

Scroll to the top of the page and press Save.

Setup Your Conversion Goal

Back in the Code Injection page, locate the Order Confirmation Page box.

Paste the following code in the Order Confirmation Page box:

<script type="text/javascript">
window._pq = window._pq || [];
_pq.push(['track', 'PurchasedItem', {orderId: "{orderId}", revenue: ({orderSubtotal}])</script>

Optional - You can replace the orderSubtotal variable with one if the following alternate methods of calculating the order total:
{orderSubtotal}: The subtotal of the confirmed order
{orderSubtotalCents}: The subtotal of the confirmed order, in cents
{orderGrandTotal}: The grand total of the confirmed order
{orderGrandTotalCents}: The grand total of the confirmed order, in cents

Scroll to the top of the page and Save. Back in SharpSpring Ads, click Manage-> Create Conversion. Use the following settings:

Then save the conversion goal. 

Once the tag is installed, it will take our system 6-8 hours to update and start displaying your audience data, so don't worry if you don't see any activity right away!

If you have any problems, email ads@sharpspring.com.