× Exclamation Point Icon Important: As we continue to evolve and improve our offerings, we have decided to retire the SharpSpring Ads (formerly Perfect Audience) platform on August 15, 2024. Click here to learn more.
Home > Facebook Retargeting > Connecting Your Facebook Page (Required)

Connecting Your Facebook Page (Required)

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In order to serve ads on Facebook through SharpSpring Ads, you will need to connect your Facebook Page to your SharpSpring Ads account.

From your Dashboard, click Settings-> Facebook Settings.

Enter your Facebook Page URL then click Next Step. You will receive a notification in Facebook that SharpSpring Ads wants to connect to your page. The top level owner of the page will also receive an email notification. You can confirm the connection via the link in the email, or via your Facebook Page Settings under the "Page Roles" tab.

Once you approve the connection in Facebook, click the green Confirm and Complete Setup button.

Your Facebook Page has been connected!

For Agencies

Follow these steps to connect a Facebook Business Page where you aren't the page admin.

  1. In the Connect to Facebook step, select Send an advertiser access request to a page you don't have Admin access to.
  2. Send the link we provide to the Facebook admin for the account.
  3. Instruct them go to the Page Roles section of their Facebook Business manager and accept the partner request.
  4. Back in SharpSpring Ads, click Connection Accepted.


Make sure the submitted URL links to your Facebook business page. Event or personal pages won't work.

If you verify that the page you are trying to add is an eligible business page, but are still seeing an error, check for Country and Age restrictions on your Facebook business page. 

Remove Restrictions

  1. Log in to your Facebook Business Page.
  2. Navigate to Settings > General.
  3. Set Country and Age restrictions to “Page is visible to everyone” 

If you run into any problems connecting your Page, please let us know.