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Home > Facebook Retargeting > Uploading Facebook Ads

Uploading Facebook Ads

Before you can start a Facebook campaign, you'll need to upload your ads to your SharpSpring Ads account.

From your Dashboard, click Manage-> Create Ad.

On this screen, select Create Facebook Ad.

Complete your ad setup. (More details below.)

Give the ad a name. (How you will identify the ad.)

Add a Call to Action button. (Optional. This will add a call-to-action button like "Shop now" or "Buy now" to the ad.)

Add a Post Message. (Optional, but this is the bulk of your message. Be clear about what you're promoting!)

Add a destination URL. (Where the user will be sent when they click the link. If you need to use custom UTM parameters, you can do that here.)

Add a display link. (Optional. If used, the domain entered here will display in your ad instead of the above destination URL.)

Enter a Link Headline. (How the link will be 'titled' in the post.)

Add a link description.

Select your ad image.

Click Upload and Submit for Review when done!

The ads will be submitted to Facebook for approval. This process usually takes about 20-30 minutes.

Once the ads are approved, you can launch your campaign.

Did you run into trouble? Contact support.