× Exclamation Point Icon Important: As we continue to evolve and improve our offerings, we have decided to retire the SharpSpring Ads (formerly Perfect Audience) platform on August 15, 2024. Click here to learn more.
Home > 3rd Party Setup Guides > e-Commerce Platforms > My Platform Isn't Listed Here!

My Platform Isn't Listed Here!

If your website host/platform is not listed here, it's best to contact the support team for the platform you use. Many times their support team can provide you instructions on how to install tags like ours very easily. Here's some wording you can use to help them understand what you need to do:

I'm trying to install a Javascript snippet to my website. It needs to run on every page. I'm working with SharpSpring Ads for retargeting and advertising services, and I'm trying to install their tag on my website. SharpSpring Ads provides these instructions for their users.

Their support team will probably have enough information to assist you, but if they have any follow up questions, we're happy to help! Feel free to have them reach out to ads@sharpspring.com and we'll jump in to help clarify.

If your platform wasn't listed but you learned how to install our tag on your site, please let us know so we can add more instructions! A little help from you would go a long way assisting other SharpSpring Ads users. We appreciate it!

*SharpSpring Marketing Automation Users: This article does not apply if you use SharpSpring for marketing automation*